Keep your Autistic Child Healthy

Staying Healthy As Cold and Flu Season Approaches

Parent Perspective: Teaching Hygiene and Self-Care Routines to Your Child with Autism

School’s back in session, and so are the germs! Your child may have already come home sick from preschool, school, or therapy. It’s that dreaded time of year for parents. We all long for our kids—and ourselves—to stay healthy as they return to their fall routines.

Staying well comes with a lot of pressure on parents—and even more so if you have a child with autism. Over the years, I’ve tried numerous things to help ward off viruses and stomach bugs. One thing stands out to me as we approach this season once again—you can’t control whether or not your child will get sick. But you can take proactive steps and hope for the best possible outcome.

This blog post explores several ways to help your child stay healthy. All of them are suggestions, not strict rules. You’ll find what works best for you. If you can’t do everything, that’s okay. See what you can commit to from this list. Maybe choose one, stick to it, and see how it goes. Remember, it’s about finding a balance that works for you and your child. 

Keep your Autistic Child Healthy

All the Ways to Stay Well

Wash Your Hands

Everyone knows how important it is to wash your hands. Unfortunately, our kids don’t always heed this advice. I’ve been trying to get mine to wash his hands independently for years. We’re still not there yet, but the good news is that it’s improved. Along with ABA programming, some things have helped my son’s handwashing skills and habits.

  • Routine. Building handwashing into the daily schedule so it’s the same every time. For example, we always wash our hands before and after we eat. It’s just what we do; therefore, it’s not as much of a struggle. 
  • Visual schedule. Using a visual schedule showing all the steps of handwashing and posting it right by the bathroom sink is a big help. I talk my child through each step as he goes.
  • Fun. Making it fun and silly by singing a song or doing a little handwashing dance helps with participation. Any goofy form of engaging my child in a daily task is typically met with a smile.


Eat Healthy

It’s no secret that many kids with autism can be picky eaters. Those with children who love to eat only chicken nuggets and crackers know what I’m talking about. How many nutrients can you get from processed foods? 

As you work with your child’s ABA practitioner to increase food choices, there are some tips you can implement as a parent. Several cookbooks give you ideas for how to hide vegetables in food. I used Jessica Seinfeld’s Deceptively Delicious. I also started making smoothies packed with spinach, avocado, and other superfoods and fruits. Since my child didn’t notice what I put into the smoothie, he drank it down eagerly. Smoothies will take you far if you can keep the ingredients a secret. If your child doesn’t fall for that trick, you can try to put protein powder or electrolytes in their drinks. 


Take Your Vitamins

There are so many different vitamins for kids on the market. It’s overwhelming. But if you know what you’re looking for, you can narrow down what works best for your family. For example, do you want a multivitamin or something specifically targeting the immune system? Do your research and find what works for your family. 

My main goal with vitamins is to find something very palatable but with limited sugar. That’s not an easy combo, and I compromised on the sugar component, but it still is packed with the good vitamins my son needs. 

Remember that if you can get a multivitamin or supplement that you believe will benefit your child, you can feel good about giving them a little something extra to help keep them healthy. Some people swear by elderberry. Others really love essential oils. There is no surefire way to stay healthy. Just do your research and use what works within your budget that you can maintain. 


Get Plenty of Rest

Sleep is a crucial factor to staying healthy. It can also be a tough topic for many parents and caregivers of children with autism. If you and your child struggle to get enough sleep, consider contacting your ABA provider to develop a customized program. Here are some general guidelines that have helped us tremendously throughout the years:

  • Activity. Keeping your child stimulated and engaged throughout the day helps with sleep. Boredom and a lack of challenges in life make it hard for them to fall asleep. If their brain and body have been working all day, they are more likely to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Bedtime Routine. Having a soothing bedtime routine consistent each night, whether a school night or not, is super helpful for kids with autism. Our routine is bathing, brushing teeth, reading a book, snuggling, and lights out. These must happen in the same order but don’t take long. They are just part of my son’s nightly wind-down routine.
  • Basic Needs. Making sure your child’s basic needs are met before bed seems obvious, but it’s good to remember to go through potential needs they may or may not be able to communicate to you. It’s vital that your child isn’t hungry (or too full), they don’t have to go to the bathroom, and they aren’t worried about something for the next day that needs to be taken care of now, i.e., planning what to wear, organizing toys, checking the door to make sure it’s locked, etc. 
  • Sleep Aids. Using a weighted blanket or sleep supplements can also help with getting enough rest. With some trial and error, you can uncover some good home remedies to help your child fall asleep and stay asleep. 


Stay Home When You Are Sick

Your child needs to stay home when they’re sick. Why am I saying this? Everyone knows that you shouldn’t share your germs. And that’s true for the communities that we live in. We need to be kind and respectful so that others don’t get sick, but it’s also vital for us and our kids. 

Even if your child doesn’t have a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, it may be tempting to still send them to daycare, therapy, or school. But consider the consequences to their own health. Their little, growing bodies require rest when they feel run down. Take the time to let them be at home in their space. They may not opt to rest and take things slow like we want them to. Our highly active kids don’t always know what’s best for them, but you do as a parent and caregiver. Review the suggestions above and give them a little TLC to meet their needs. 


BrightPath Behavior is Cheering You On this Fall!

You’ve got this! Your child may only sometimes want to cooperate with their self-care and hygiene, but you can lay the groundwork while they’re young. With a lot of love, patience, repetition, and ABA therapy, you will see success! You won’t be able to achieve every single form of illness prevention you want to keep your home healthy this fall. You might get sick. In the midst of it all, don’t forget to take care of yourself so you can help care for those you love. 


What are your biggest questions or concerns about keeping your child healthy during cold and flu season? 

We’d love to hear from you in the comments below. If you found this post helpful, please feel free to like, share, and follow us for more insightful content on autism and ABA therapy.

If a positive, play-based approach to ABA appeals to you, we invite you to contact BrightPath Behavior. The friendly team at BrightPath Behavior is always ready to answer your questions.


Kathy McClelland is a freelance copywriter and marketer for pediatric healthcare and special education brands from Austin, Texas. Before becoming a mom, her work included promoting medical journals and online publications for the American Academy of Pediatrics and parenting books for Tyndale House Publishers. When her second son was born with a rare genetic condition, she was thrust into the world of special needs parenting. Her website is

Disclaimer: While I am a consultant writing on behalf of BrightPath Behavior, my child is not a current client. The views and experiences shared in this blog post are entirely from a parent’s perspective. My goal is to provide informative content and insights based on my personal experiences, as well as interviews conducted with the staff at BrightPath Behavior.

Navigating the Screen Time Tightrope: Balancing Tech for Kids with Autism

Parent Perspective: The Pros and Cons of Screen Time for Children with Autism

There is no escaping technology. The children we’re raising today live in a world vastly different from our childhoods. Gone are the days of endless outdoor play and hours of choreographing talent shows to mixed tapes (or, for those younger, burning CDs). The only interaction many of us had with video games as kids was playing the Oregon Trail on the classroom desktop computer. While we lament what our children may miss, there are undeniable benefits to living in a more technologically advanced society. 

The debate over whether screen time has adverse effects on children with autism is ongoing. I do not have the clinical data to take a stand either way. However, as a parent of a child with autism, I have firsthand experience navigating screen time. I’ve noticed both the pros and cons of screen usage. Here, I share some insights into managing screen time and offer suggestions for determining your approach. 

It’s beneficial to carefully consider how you integrate screens into your home—whether it’s an iPad, cell phone, laptop, TV, Kindle, video games, or even a smartwatch. Planning allows you to establish boundaries and anticipate challenges, guiding you toward a balanced approach that works best for your family.

screen time and kids with autism

Pros of Screentime

​​There are numerous benefits for neurodivergent children using various devices and technology, especially those created specifically for kids with autism, speech delays, or other developmental challenges. Here are some ways screen time may be beneficial for your child:

Technology can be a talking tool – Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Technology can provide a means of communication and self-expression for non-speaking children with autism. Many AAC programs are available on devices like iPads and enable non-verbal children to communicate effectively, opening new avenues of expression that might not otherwise be accessible. Some popular AAC tools include:

While there’s concern that AAC might deter verbal communication in speaking children, studies show the opposite. AAC may be a valuable option for communicating when children are fatigued. Some individuals find it easier to express themselves more fully through AAC, complementing their verbal expression. Technologies developed by major software and hardware speech manufacturers (not all AAC is installed on an iPad) serve as tools to enhance communication, which is a significant advantage.

Technology can be a learning tool — Educational Apps and Games

Technology is a powerful educational tool, offering thousands of apps and games tailored to various learning needs and interests. Whether your child has an aptitude for a specific subject or needs to develop in a particular area, chances are there’s an app to help them. Here are just a few examples of apps for different areas of learning, including reading, literacy, science, coding, and memory games: 

Even games like Minecraft allow kids to learn spatial awareness and design 3-dimensional spaces in an animated realm. When choosing apps and games for your child, focus on those that align with their interests and areas where they can grow.

Our educational system has embraced the use of technology in classrooms as an effective learning tool. As parents, we can do the same. It’s a matter of selecting the right websites and apps for your child. 

Technology can be a social and saftey tool — Text Messaging and Video Calling.

Not all technology prevents connection and socialization. In fact, some types of technology allow us to interact in ways that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to. Text messaging and video calling allow children, including those using AAC, to socialize with family and friends safely and meaningfully. Contrary to isolating, some technologies facilitate social interaction.

Digital communication methods provide vital social connections, enhancing communication skills and even offering a way to communicate with a parent or caregiver if they are in a potentially unsafe situation. The following resources help parents keep their kids safe in social settings:

Technology can be a creative tool — Photography and Social Supports.

Many autistic children have a visual inclination and enjoy capturing and reflecting on images. Whether taking photos themselves or exploring pictures on a caregiver’s phone, photography can help them understand their world and relationships.

 Additionally, photography and video can support applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy by creating visual supports and social stories, aiding in learning and vocabulary development. Here are some app ideas for fostering creativity and visual supports:

Technology can be a tool for entertainment.

We can’t ignore the upsides of using technology for entertainment. Many of us tend to view using technology for entertainment as a downside to screens. However, there are moments when we need our kids to sit still and be entertained. There isn’t a mom out there who hasn’t expressed a sigh of relief as they hand their child a phone while waiting at the doctor’s office. 

While often viewed negatively, technology can provide essential entertainment and relaxation. Whether calming a child following an extended therapy session or allowing them to unwind after a day of school, screen time offers familiar and predictable activities that may help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation for kids. Here are the favorites in our house:

Cons of Screentime

Now, let’s look at the cons. Many of us are probably very familiar with the consequences of technology and screen usage, whether through personal experience or a fear that it’s becoming a big problem we can’t control. Screen time effects are a real concern. Understanding what we’re up against as parents can help us decide our non-negotiables as well as give ourselves some grace when screens introduce challenges we didn’t expect. 

Technology can prevent real, authentic social interaction.

While technology can promote social interaction, it can also isolate your child. When a child is given a device to use whenever and however they want, it can become a real danger. Setting limits around the time and exposure your child has to screens may prevent this from becoming an insurmountable problem.

If your child tends to stim on a screen, it prevents them from staying present. Whether they are compulsive swipers who can’t stay engaged with one show or activity, there may need to be certain restrictions. The Guided Access functionality on an iPad helps those kiddos who like to bounce from app to app and video to video. Or, if your child repeatedly watches the same movie, it may be time to expose them to different shows or activities. These are examples of behaviors an ABA clinician may be able to implement into your child’s programming. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask your ABA provider, such as ABA Connect, for help. 

Technology can be overstimulating.

Many kids with autism tend for their sensory systems to become overloaded. If this is your child, watch how they react to high screen usage. Factors contributing to sensory overload include the device’s volume level, screen brightness, and whether it is used in a dark or brightly lit area. Consider what types of videos, songs, and apps get your child hyped up. Directing them toward content that creates a more calm and regulated nervous system response, such as slow, repetitive music and lower-volume videos, may help them stay within their window of tolerance. Here are some possible apps to help calm your child:

Technology can be an alternate reality.

Some kids prefer to live in a virtual world rather than a real one. Games that include virtual reality (VR) simulate real-life experiences, which may be more exciting or enticing to your child than their actual environment. However, spending time outdoors in nature offers an antidote of sorts. Mother Nature operates at a much slower pace than we do. During a hike or bike ride, your child may begin to experience a healthy contrast to the fast-paced realm of technology. Engaging with nature may enable their nervous system to mimic this slower pace.

Also, consider how videos with compelling storylines may become replacements for reading a book. There is something unique and beneficial in forming pictures to a story within your child’s imagination. When technology prevents kids from spending time outdoors or reading, they miss out on engaging with their environment meaningfully. This may be a sign that it’s time to step back from technology.

Moderation with Screentime

Like many things, there’s no hard and fast rule for approaching screen time with your child. Perhaps the best approach is moderation. 

  • Set limits. 
  • Encourage the types of technology that lead to connection. 
  • Stay engaged in what your child is watching or using. 
  • Try not to feel guilty if your child uses technology more than you would like. 

Sometimes, in life, things aren’t quite where we want them to be. Knowing where we want to be can help us get there with a plan and a good dose of patience. 

Our Journey with Screen Time

My son didn’t show much interest in screens, whether a TV, phone, or iPad until he was four or five. I actually wanted him to engage with technology because I knew an AAC device could be a helpful tool for him to communicate. 

Working with a speech-language pathologist and an assistive technology expert, we presented him with different AAC programs. He wasn’t interested. Also, he had not yet developed a pointer finger, which is essential to a touchscreen device. I recruited an occupational therapist to help him form one. It didn’t matter what she did; he showed no signs of being able to isolate his finger. Until he discovered YouTube Kids on an iPad! Everything changed from there. 

Watching entertaining videos was a gateway to making technology more functional. My son didn’t start showing interest in using his “talker” (what we call is AAC device) until he first experienced immediate gratification from swiping around on YouTube Kids and PBS Kids. In that respect, I am incredibly thankful for handheld devices. Yes, they can become detrimental to real-life engagement, but overall, they opened up my son’s world in a whole new way. 

Every child’s journey is unique. Maybe there’s something different—another way your child can grow and expand through technology. Remember, technology can be very engaging and motivating. If you need ideas for how to use a device or application to help your child grow, ask your child’s BCBA or ABA clinician. They may have ideas for how to use screens for their greater good. 

What are your biggest questions or concerns about screen time usage with your child? 

We’d love to hear from you in the comments below. If you found this post helpful, please feel free to like, share, and follow us for more insightful content on autism and ABA therapy.

If a positive, play-based approach to ABA appeals to you, we invite you to reach out to ABA Connect. The friendly team at ABA Connect is always ready to help answer your questions.

Disclaimer: While I am a consultant writing on behalf of ABA Connect, my child is not a current client. The views and experiences shared in this blog post are entirely from a parent’s perspective. My goal is to provide informative content and insights based on my personal experiences, as well as interviews conducted with the staff at ABA Connect.

How to Know if Your Child With Autism Is Ready for Summer Camp

A Parent’s Perspective: 10 Things to Help Prepare Your Child for Camp

Now is the time of year when parents begin chatting about how they will keep their kids entertained this summer. It’ll be here before you know it, even though the ground has just begun to thaw. Popular camps fill up fast, so you must plan ahead.

Those of us with differently abled children understand that so much more preparation is required for our kids to have positive summer experiences. Many children with autism — and their parents — struggle without the routine of the school calendar year. Camps can be an excellent option for providing structure. 

Whether considering a day camp or overnight camp, here are a few things to consider as you plan for the not-so-far-away summer.

summer camp

Decide on the Kind of Camp

With so many camp options available, your first step will be to figure out what’s offered that would best fit your child. Researching different camps allows you to select the best fit based on your child’s interests, needs, personality type, and abilities.

For younger children, consider community day camps at places like the YMCA, vacation Bible schools, or simple neighborhood playdates.

If your child is older and yearning for more independence and adventure, they may be ready for an overnight camp experience.

Whatever you choose, remember it will be new and different for your child. Change can be hard, so ensure the program provides a clear daily schedule — including activities, breaks, snacks, meals, and transitions. Anytime the routine differs from the usual, it can be difficult for kids with autism.

Day Camps

The daily summer camp options are endless! Start by assessing your child’s unique interests — Legos? Dog agility training? Swimming? Is there a niche camp that your child would love? Finding a program that captures their attention and passion increases the chances of a positive experience. 

Overnight Camps

Being away from home overnight, sometimes for multiple nights, can be tough — especially for routine-loving kids. If your child is interested in an overnight camp, research thoroughly. Here is a list of some camps for kids with unique needs you may want to explore. Some are better equipped to accommodate special needs and medical interventions.

Therapy Camps or Intensives

Many therapy clinics and ABA providers offer summer programs focusing on developing specific skills through a themed, fun environment — like a handwriting camp incorporating Occupational Therapy (OT) exercises and activities. There are camps specializing in Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) devices, which could be an amazing setting for AAC users to connect with peers.

These therapy camps allow a refreshing change of pace while still intentionally targeting beneficial skills. They can be a great option, providing that “camp fun” experience with continued therapeutic support.

Prepare Your Child for Camp Success

Whether you decide to do a day camp, overnight camp, or a therapy camp, here are ten things to help prepare your child for a successful summer camp experience:

1. Assess Independence Skills: 

Evaluate how independent your child is with daily tasks like using the restroom, dressing, and feeding themselves, as camp will require a degree of self-care ability. If your child needs additional assistance, look into adaptive camps that offer one-on-one aides and nursing staff on-site. 

You may also practice separating from your child for extended periods of time if your child struggles with separation anxiety. Do practice runs to get them comfortable being away from you.

2. Discuss Expectations and Role-Play Scenarios:

Most children, especially those with autism, thrive when they understand expectations. Whatever program you choose, provide your child with a clear understanding of the daily camp schedule: activities, breaks, snacks, meals, and transitions between activities and living situations if it’s an overnight camp. 

Before camp begins, it’s helpful to paint a picture or tell a story of what the experience may be like for your child. If visual schedules or social stories have been useful tools in the past, use them again to illustrate camp life. Role-playing potential situations like asking for help, being flexible when plans change, and resolving conflicts with peers can also be immensely valuable preparation. Building this foundational understanding can help ease anxiety.

3: Arrange a Camp Visit: 

If possible, tour the camp facilities ahead of time so your child can become familiar with the setting, staff, and routines. Allowing them to see the camp environment firsthand, rather than just discussing it, will help build an understanding of what to expect and how to navigate the experience. 

During the visit, explain transitions between activities, point out locations for different events, and walk through daily routines. This visual preparation can ease anxiety about the new experience by removing some unknowns. Clearly understanding expectations — what they can anticipate and what will be expected — will help ensure a successful camp transition. 

4. Develop Social Skills: 

A major part of being in a peer group like school, camp, or even playing around the neighborhood is understanding social cues and socially appropriate behavior. Camp environments heavily involve group activities and peer interaction.

Teaching your child essential social skills can lead to a much more positive camp experience. Practice things like meeting new people, making eye contact and smiling when greeting others, taking turns during games, and joining group activities (even if not their most preferred). Strong social skills will enable your child to engage with peers and staff meaningfully and constructively. 

5. Establish a Communication System: 

Decide how your child will communicate their needs at camp — verbally, using visual supports, an AAC device, etc. Ensure camp staff fully understand your child’s communication methods and provide access to any of those tools or devices they require.

It’s also essential to establish how you will effectively communicate with staff should any questions or issues arise during the camp experience. Consider providing some upfront education, not just on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but also on your specific child’s preferences, needs, and potential behavior triggers. Staff should know exactly how to respond if challenges occur, including when and how to immediately contact you if necessary. 

This open line of communication helps prevent misunderstandings and allows staff to support your child throughout their time at camp properly. Clarity is vital for a smooth, successful experience. 

6. Identify Sensory Needs: 

Predicting sensory triggers is sometimes hard, but you can equip your child with strategies. Whether overstimulation stems from noise, crowds, bright lights, or other sources, your child is likely learning coping techniques through ABA. Using headphones, sunglasses, or taking breaks away from stimuli are all positive ways to self-regulate. 

Provide comprehensive information to camp staff about your child’s sensory preferences, potential meltdown triggers, and effective calming strategies. Sharing this level of detail ensures camp staff can properly support your child’s needs and provide any necessary accommodations or preventative actions while they’re in a new environment. 

7. Request Accommodations Early: 

If your child requires any accommodations, request them well in advance. Early requests may include dietary restrictions, modified activities, designated quiet spaces to reduce overstimulation, or other adjustments. Ensure camp staff receive proper training in autism awareness and how to implement effective support strategies tailored to your child’s needs.

If your child has medical issues, make arrangements to coordinate with the camp’s on-site nurse or healthcare staff. Discuss protocols for medication administration, managing procedures, and sharing any other essential medical information to ensure your child’s health and safety throughout their stay.

Advocating early allows time to make accommodations and educate staff appropriately. With open communication and planning, the camp can create an environment set up for your child’s success.

8. Pack Familiar Items: 

Let your child bring beloved items from home — special toys, favorite books, soothing music, or calming fidget tools. These familiar objects can provide tremendous comfort and help them self-regulate in the new camp environment. Don’t underestimate the relaxing power of a treasured stuffed animal or the focusing effects of a preferred fidget spinner. Packing a few cherished items in their camp bag can go a long way in easing anxiety over being away from home. At the same time, it gives your child access to calming favorites that facilitate positive behaviors and engagement at camp.

9. Develop a Behavior Plan: 

If your child experiences challenging behaviors from time to time, have a comprehensive behavior plan ready for camp staff to implement. Work with your child’s BCBA to create a plan that outlines positive reinforcement strategies and guidelines for appropriately addressing specific behaviors.

Providing this plan in advance allows staff to be fully prepared. They’ll understand how to encourage desired behaviors through positive reinforcement and safely manage escalated situations. Though it requires some initial coordination, having a detailed, vetted plan ensures staff can respond confidently and consistently — supporting your child’s success instead of feeling unprepared if difficulties arise.

This proactive preparation may be critical for a positive overall experience. With a thoughtful plan, staff can create an environment designed to bring out your child’s best. 

10. Teach Safety Skills: 

Safety awareness and following directions are major focuses in most ABA programs. At camp, children may encounter activities outside their typical routines, such as ropes courses, water sports like kayaking, or heightened needs to stay with the group during transitions.

It’s important to reinforce skills for recognizing potential dangers while still promoting your child’s independence. Practice identifying unsafe situations and reviewing rules for activities that may pose new risks. This preparation empowers your child to make safe choices while enjoying camp with increased autonomy.

Camp staff should also be well-versed in your child’s safety protocol. Provide any necessary training so they understand your child’s specific needs and can responsibly supervise while facilitating new experiences. Open communication allows staff to strike the right balance between risk prevention and independence.

Plan An Incredible Camp Experience in Advance with an ABA Provider You Trust

The key to a successful summer camp experience is thorough assessment of your child’s needs, open communication with camp staff, equipping your child with necessary skills and tools, and developing plans for providing ongoing flexibility and support.

If you’re considering camp this summer and have concerns, consult with your child’s BCBA or ABA provider. A provider like ABA Connect can develop specific programming and goals tailored to prepare your child in advance. An appropriate behavior plan with positive reinforcement strategies is also invaluable — even if challenging behaviors never arise, having a plan in place ensures staff can respond confidently.

As parents, we must always be prepared to adapt to our child’s individual needs. Being ready includes making necessary adjustments to camp selections and activity choices as their skills progress. With comprehensive preparation, open communication with staff, and strengthening your child’s skillset, you can ensure they have an incredible camp experience while meeting their unique needs.

With intentional planning and an ideal camp program, you and your child will be ready for an enriching, growth-filled summer!

What are your biggest questions or concerns about finding the right summer camp fit? 

We’d love to hear from you in the comments below. If you found this post helpful, please feel free to like, share, and follow us for more insightful content on autism and ABA therapy.

If a positive, play-based approach to ABA appeals to you, we invite you to reach out to ABA Connect. The friendly team at ABA Connect is always ready to help answer your questions.

Disclaimer: While I am a consultant writing on behalf of ABA Connect, my child is not a current client. The views and experiences shared in this blog post are entirely from a parent’s perspective. My goal is to provide informative content and insights based on my personal experiences, as well as interviews conducted with the staff at ABA Connect.

Note: The information provided in this article is for general guidance and does not replace professional advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional or therapist for personalized guidance.

Creating a Positive Haircut Experience for Kids with Autism

A Parent’s Perspective: Tips for Sensory-Friendly Haircuts

I used to cut my son’s hair. I knew if I took him somewhere for a haircut, he would freak out from the overwhelming sensory experience. But if I cut it, I could set the stage for success — cut it dry (no spritzing him with water), give him toys to stim with, and provide access to an iPad for entertainment. It worked for years until I realized my skills were sorely lacking. And I want my son to look his very best.

So we decided to venture out for a haircut in the wild. 

Many kids with autism have a hard time getting a haircut. It is a highly stimulating experience. The noise of clippers near their ears, the vibrations on their skin, and the discomfort caused by falling hair can lead to overwhelming sensations, potentially triggering meltdowns. 

Since taking my son elsewhere to have a haircut, I’ve learned some proactive steps that may help prepare your child and accommodate their sensory needs. If you aren’t the type of parent who’s up for a DIY challenge, and even if you are, here are some tips on making the haircut experience positive for your child. 

As it turns out, all of the ways I was helping my son through the experience at home can be done at a salon or barber shop, too. 

haircuts for kids with autism

Plan for your child’s haircut.

First, decide where you will get your child’s haircut. Some salons specialize in kids’ cuts and even care for children with special needs. But if they don’t, most barbers and stylists are still willing to make accommodations. Remember, if the stylist or barber has experience cutting hair, your child will probably not be the most wiggly, uncooperative person whose hair they’ve ever cut. (I hope this makes you feel better going in.)

Call ahead.

You may want to call ahead to ask the stylist some questions and see what experience they have working with kids with autism. Ask if they are willing to accommodate a child with special needs. Many stylists are eager to make adjustments even if they don’t specialize in it. 

Schedule a pre-appointment visit.

You may be able to schedule a time to come into the salon before the appointment; that way, the environment isn’t foreign to your child when they arrive for their haircut. A pre-visit lets your child get comfortable with the setting, people, and process. They’ll better know what to expect.

Book an appointment.

Book your child’s appointment during a slow time so the shop has less activity, noise, and overall stimulation. Also, plan for a time of day when your child is well-rested and well-fed. The timing of the haircut may seem like a small thing, but it has the potential to make a big difference. 

Note: You may want to schedule extra time on the day of the appointment. Arrive early so your child can transition and make their way into the chair on their own terms. 

Decide on the style.

Think ahead about what type of haircut is best for your child. For example, if they don’t like their ears touched, think of a style where the hair comes down over the ears so the clippers don’t need to come too close. If you want to avoid repeating the experience frequently, ask for a shorter haircut so it takes longer to grow out. Your child may want to be involved in selecting their haircut, and if they can, that’s great! Have them look at pictures so they decide and have some ownership over the experience. 

Questions to ask the stylist.

  • Are you comfortable with lots of movement, taking breaks, and even willing to sit in a different chair on the ground?
  • Can I schedule an appointment during a slow time? 
  • May I bring my child into the salon before the actual haircut to get them used to the environment? 
  • Will you make accommodations as necessary, such as cutting dry hair or using scissors instead of clippers due to the sound and vibrations? 

Key things to tell the stylist.

You may want to give the stylist an information sheet on autism so they can understand some of the fundamental challenges of autistic kids. Autism Speaks has a Haircutting Guide you can download. 

If you don’t want to print something out, that’s understandable. It can feel kinda awkward. Instead, explain some things about your child so to help the process go smoothly:

  • My child doesn’t like loud noises, so it’s best to speak in a calm, low voice.
  • My child is easily scared, so it’s best not to come up from behind. 
  • My child takes a little longer to process questions, so keep your directions simple and give them a minute to respond. 

Prepare your child for the haircut.

As you plan for your child’s haircut, there are many sensory elements to remember — from the overhead lighting to the itchy feel of cut hair touching their skin. There are many things you can discuss with your child in advance of the visit. 

Prepare your child in the way that’s best for them to know what to expect. Whether that is simply talking through the process, creating a visual schedule, watching a social story, or role-playing at home.

  • Talk through the unexpected parts: For example, scissors go swish, swish, clippers make a buzzing sound, spray bottle will get me a little bit wet when the hair is cut, it will fall and may make me feel itchy, but we can brush it off so that it doesn’t keep itching.
  • Create a visual schedule: Icons for a visual schedule include a barber shop, salon chair, cape, spray bottle, clippers, scissors, blow dryer, and a picture of the hair cut short. 
  • Social story: Watch a video created for kids with autism on how someone gets their haircut. This is a great social story.
  • Role Play: Set up a pretend salon in your home and talk through every step of the process.

Distractions and comfort creatures for during the haircut.

Ensuring a positive haircut experience for your child with autism involves thoughtful preparation. Here are some ideas for distractions and comforting tools that may be used during the process: 

  • Bring a tablet or iPad for them to watch as a distraction.
  • Bring a favorite toy or fidget to stim with if that will help get their attention off the haircut.
  • Bring a weighted blanket or other compression tool to help calm your child.
  • Bring earplugs if your child is sensitive to sound and will tolerate wearing them.
  • Offer a reward for completing the task; give them something to work for, bubbles, a favorite snack, or candy.

Process and praise your child after the experience.

Praise them for things that went well, no matter how your child did during the haircut. Even if it wasn’t successful in your mind, praise them for trying. This allows you to pave the way for them to successfully experience a haircut so that they can feel good about how their hair looks and feels. Reward them after the experience with something especially reinforcing for them so they have a positive association with the experience. 

For fun!

Take before and after pictures so your child can see the difference the haircut made and be reminded of it the next time they need to go in for a trim. 

For your child’s next haircut.

Consider making haircuts routine events. Don’t wait too long between haircuts so your child can expect the experience as part of their overall grooming care.

Remember, every child is unique; what works best for one may not work for yours. It’s important to stay flexible and patient and to keep your child’s comfort at the forefront. Through trial and feedback, you will find the approach that best suits your child. 

With some preparation — and a patient, understanding stylist — you can make getting a haircut a positive experience for your child with autism. The key is finding a good fit and setting your child up for success.

Which haircut tip resonated with you? What will you plan to implement for your child’s next haircut? 

If you found this post helpful, please like, share, and follow for more content on autism or ABA therapy.

If you are interested in a positive, play-based approach to ABA, contact ABA Connect. The team at ABA Connect is happy to help answer your questions. 

Please note that while I am a consultant writing on behalf of ABA Connect, my child is not a current client. The views and experiences shared in this blog post are entirely from a parent’s perspective. I aim to provide informative content and insights based on my personal experiences as well as interviews conducted with the staff at ABA Connect.


10 Lasting Ways to Recharge as a Parent of a Child with Autism

A Parent’s Perspective: The Importance of Self-Care (not Self-Comfort) 

Self-care has gotten a bad rap in recent years. I think it’s because there’s a focus on pampering yourself with bubble baths and pedicures that simply isn’t, nor can it be, the reality for many people. Those self-indulgent activities don’t care for you in a deep and lasting way. They comfort you in the moment. Self-care is a small but steady investment in yourself that allows you to recharge. 

As parents of children with special needs, finding ways to practice good self-care is challenging. Our children demand so much from us. Yet, for us to be able to continue to provide them all they need, we must find ways to practice the type of ongoing self-care that sustains us. 


There is a Difference Between Self-Care and Self-Comfort

Self-care is not a selfish act but a crucial component of being an effective parent and caregiver. Chose to care for yourself in a way that sustains you over the long-run and doesn’t just comfort you in the moment. By incorporating any one of these practices into your life, you will not only recharge and maintain your well-being but also create a positive and nurturing environment for both yourself and your child with autism. 

It’s essential to remember that taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity. Prioritizing self-care can help you recharge, maintain your well-being, and be the best caregiver possible. This blog post offers ten ways to practice self-care as a parent of a child with autism: 

1. Establish a Routine

Create a dedicated time in your daily or weekly routine for self-care. Having a routine may be enjoying a cup of coffee in silence before your child wakes up, taking a brisk walk after your child leaves for school, or intentionally using a slice of time in your schedule to do something that you need to do or enjoy doing. Save those parts of your day for yourself. Knowing you have designated self-care time can help you stick to it and ensure you get the recharge you need.

2. Regular Exercise

Incorporating physical activity into your routine may be a powerful stress reliever. It doesn’t have to be intense and it doesn’t have to take long—simple activities like walking, yoga, or stretching can make a significant difference in your overall well-being. But if you are the type of person who benefits from a hard-core workout that makes you sweat, practice yours regularly and don’t feel guilty about it, knowing it is an investment in your physical, mental, and emotional self that will go a long way in helping you take care of your child. 

3. Mindfulness and Relaxation

Practicing mindfulness or meditation techniques may bring mental clarity and relaxation. Even just 5-10 minutes a day focusing on your breath and choosing what you think about can have a profound impact on your stress levels. You may have a hard time slowing down enough to meditate. Instead of meditation, which is emptying your mind, try mindfulness that fills your mind with things that are good, right, and true. 

4. Connect with Others

Schedule regular social time, even if it’s just a phone call or a quick coffee with a friend. Social media does not count. It can actually be counterproductive to self-care. You need a real person who has a positive, uplifting presence in your life. Connecting with others who understand your challenges, even if they don’t have a child with autism, can be therapeutic and provide a much-needed support system.

5. Hobbies and Interests

Rediscover or explore hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s reading, painting, gardening, or any other activity, having a personal interest can provide a much-needed escape and recharge your energy. This suggestion requires more intentionality and time, but even while raising a child with autism, it can be done. Choosing what you love to do probably isn’t the hard part; finding the time to do it is. Break it into manageable steps. It’s okay if you dedicate short bursts of time to what you love doing because, remember, self-care is a small and steady investment in yourself.  

6. Respite Care

Utilize respite care services or a babysitter to give yourself a break. This request for help is one of the biggest struggles for us as parents. It’s hard to find someone we trust to care of our child and all of their unique needs. But it is possible! In the last blog, 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Parents of Children with Autism, one of the suggestions is to seek and accept help. Having time away, even for a couple of hours, can help you recharge and regain your energy, allowing you to return to your caregiving role with renewed strength. Respite often requires extra financial resources, but may be worth it because it’s an investment in you and your child. 

7. Professional Support

Consider seeking professional help through therapy or counseling. Having a supportive therapist to talk to can provide valuable insights, guidance, and emotional support as you navigate the challenges of caregiving. If you are having a hard time finding a professional counselor, you may want to start by talking to the social worker at your child’s doctor’s office. Regardless of what type of professional you talk to, having a non-judgmental person to listen can be healing and helpful. 

Another form of support is support groups. Finding a support group specifically tailored for parents of children with autism may be good self-care. Connecting with others who share similar experiences can provide a sense of community, understanding, and valuable insights into navigating the challenges you may face.

8. Set Boundaries

Learn to say no when needed and establish boundaries for your well-being and try not to feel guilty. Most people establish boundaries pretty easily (or think they do), but in a moment of pressure, they let their boundaries down because of guilt. 

It’s important to prioritize your own needs and avoid overextending yourself, both physically and emotionally. This means it’s okay to not volunteer in your child’s classroom or not go to your parent’s house for dinner every Sunday night. You know what you need. No one else does, so only you are the one who can say no when you need to. 

9. Quality Sleep

Prioritize getting enough sleep for optimal functioning. This is especially difficult for many parents of children with autism who don’t sleep well. You may not be able to get a solid eight hours every night, but do you have ten minutes to power nap each afternoon when your child is at school? Or, can you go to bed as soon as your child does and leave all that you could be doing until the next day? Knowing lack of sleep can significantly impact your ability to cope with stress and effectively care for your child, establish a bedtime routine and create a conducive sleep environment to ensure a restful night’s sleep. You may not always get a good night’s sleep, but set yourself up well so that when it does happen, you wake up feeling fully refreshed. 

10. Find a Trusted ABA Provider

Finding the autism support your child needs is also a form of self-care. You can’t do it all alone. You need the help and support of trusted professionals. At ABA Connect, dedicated therapists understand the challenges you and your child face. Our therapists develop treatment plans to target your child’s greatest challenges, but they are also there to listen to the struggles you face and find ways to help you overcome them. 

Remember, you deserve care and support, too. Take the necessary steps to prioritize self-care and seek assistance when needed. You are doing an incredible job, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

So, which self-care technique do you plan to implement for yourself?

We’d love to hear from you in the comments below. If you found this post helpful, please feel free to like, share, and follow us for more insightful content on autism and ABA therapy.

If a positive, play-based approach to ABA appeals to you, we invite you to reach out to ABA Connect. The friendly team at ABA Connect is always ready to help answer your questions.

Disclaimer: While I am a consultant writing on behalf of ABA Connect, my child is not a current client. The views and experiences shared in this blog post are entirely from a parent’s perspective. My goal is to provide informative content and insights based on my personal experiences, as well as interviews conducted with the staff at ABA Connect.

Note: The information provided in this article is for general guidance and does not replace professional advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional or therapist for personalized guidance.

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Parents of Children with Autism

A Parent’s Perspective: Reflecting on special needs parenting and looking toward the new year

For many of us raising children with autism, our goals for the new year may differ greatly from our parenting peers. Losing 10 pounds or striving for a promotion at work likely isn’t our primary focus. Even simple resolutions, such as timely birthday cards or daily flossing, may not align with our journey. It’s not that healthy habits and new challenges aren’t important to us; it’s simply that everything in our world is overshadowed by autism.

Autism parenting can be all-consuming at times. As the world reflects on 2023 and anticipates what 2024 will bring, we may feel weary. We understand that we have little control over our child’s day-to-day struggles, so we approach the new year with caution and a lot of ABA therapy

Just because our lives differ from those of our friends and family does not mean we shouldn’t engage in reflection and goal-setting. However, it’s crucial to do so with an appropriate mindset — one of self-compassion and realistic expectations for both ourselves and our child. This blog post aims to guide you in looking back and ahead with hope.

new years autism parenting

New Year’s Reflection Questions: Looking Back on the Wins and Losses of the Past Year

Each year, my inbox overflows with New Year’s reflection guides—most likely due to the number of self-help gurus I follow. I appreciate their willingness to provide a list of guided questions to help me reflect on the past year’s highs and lows. Honestly, without a little nudge, I might not take the time to look back.

As parents of children with autism, we constantly juggle tasks, manage schedules, put out fires, constantly redirect our children, and are always trying to think ahead. So, I’m offering you three simple reflection questions this year. I’ve found them incredibly useful, not just during the holidays but in any period of change or transition.

1. What Achievements Can You Celebrate?

Identify the wins from the past year, no matter how small. This question prompts you to recall the successes you and your child experienced. Sometimes we are so immersed in the day-to-day tasks that we miss the growth happening before us. 

Maybe you found a routine that brought joy or peace to your child, or a new therapist that worked wonders. Every little milestone your child meets should not be overlooked or taken for granted. 

2. What Were Your Biggest Challenges and Low Points?

Acknowledging the difficulties can be challenging, but it’s essential to identify them in order to learn from them. This question also allows you to see patterns that may have emerged throughout the year. 

Did your child struggle with a certain skill or behavior consistently? Did you find yourself feeling burnt out or struggling with self-care? It’s useful to know what didn’t work so that you can learn from these experiences and make necessary changes

3. What Do You Want to Carry Forward into the New Year?

As we usher in the new year, it’s not just about letting go but also recognizing what we want to keep. What are the things that bring you comfort or joy that you want to consciously carry into the new year? It could be as simple as your daily cup of coffee. (Me!) Recognizing these elements will help you maintain a sense of continuity and stability through the changing times.

Typically, I am somewhat unsure about what to do with my reflections from past years. However, I have developed a practice of jotting them down in my journal. As I flip through the pages over the course of the year, these reflections serve as powerful reminders of my journey, as well as that of my child. 

It’s important to remember that as much as we might wish for stability, change is a constant part of life. Having a record of the triumphs, the setbacks, and the non-negotiables provides a sense of grounding for me. It is my hope that adopting such a practice could offer the same benefit to you.

Charting a Path Forward: Five Possible New Year’s Resolutions for Parents of Children with Autism

As we enter the new year, let’s explore five potential New Year’s resolutions that can empower parents of children with autism. These New Year’s resolutions are designed to foster a nurturing and growth-oriented approach for both you and your child without being too overly ambitious.

1. Seek and Accept Help

Before you dismiss this idea, know that I empathize with your struggle. Finding help for a child who perceives and interacts with the world differently is challenging. It can be incredibly hard to secure the respite care needed. There have been seasons in my life when I juggled work, caring for my son with autism, managing his medical procedures, and striving to provide a somewhat normal teenage experience for my other child. It’s a hefty load. Caregivers aren’t always available, and even if they were, affording their services on top of other therapies can be daunting.

This new year, I challenge you to explore local resources and non-profits that may offer support. If your child is enrolled in Early Childhood Intervention (ECI), there may be funds available to help pay for a babysitter—allowing you to run errands or enjoy some leisure time with a friend. Many local churches provide a babysitting night out for parents of children with special needs.

Assistance doesn’t always have to be in the form of childcare. If your neighbor offers to mow your lawn or a friend wants to deliver lasagna, accept the help with open arms! Make a conscious decision to say ‘yes’ when help presents itself.

2. Reconnect with Your Passions and Loved Ones

Parents of special needs children often sideline their own desires and needs, and understandably so. If your child has autism, their needs can be extensive. However, this doesn’t mean you should cease nurturing your own interests and relationships.

Consider rekindling connections with someone special in your life, perhaps an old friend you haven’t had the opportunity to catch up with in a while. I do acknowledge there can be an emotional toll in maintaining connections with friends from our previous lives, primarily when these relationships incite feelings of comparison. If this resonates with you, perhaps it’s time to cultivate bonds with individuals who share similar life experiences.

One effective way I’ve found to build relationships is through shared hobbies, whether it’s a book club or hiking. Support groups can also be immensely helpful for parents of children with autism. Although not everyone you meet will become your best friend, you’re likely to find common ground that’s beneficial for your current situation. Remember, this journey is yours, and nurturing your interests and relationships can provide much-needed balance and support.

3. Choose a Sustainable Self-Care or Self-Compassion Focus

Commit to an ongoing and sustainable self-care activity. The very mention of this might stir up some strong emotions, as it certainly did for me over the years. An initial reaction might be to dismiss the idea, thinking that a pedicure or a bubble bath aren’t going to solve the problems at hand. It’s true, they won’t. However, understanding the difference between self-care and self-compassion can redefine this perspective.

Self-care can often be an indulgent and temporary escape, while self-compassion is a lasting, ongoing investment. A sustainable self-compassion activity can replenish your energy reservoirs, enabling you to continue on this challenging journey of parenting a child with autism with resilience. You won’t regret making such an investment.

For instance, my personal self-care ritual involves reading a good book at the end of the day, allowing me to wind down and transition to sleep. I also find it helpful to walk the dog every morning, which gets me out of the house and gives me a little more perspective on my day.

4. Evaluate Your Child’s Therapy and School Setting

It’s easy to put school and therapy routines on autopilot, but it’s beneficial to take a closer look at your child’s IEP and therapy goals. Perhaps everything is going well and there’s no need for change. However, this might be the year for big changes.

Every year, for my child’s annual ARD, I write a parent report—a simple one-page document that highlights what’s working well and what’s not. It’s akin to the reflection questions posed at the start of this blog. I also detail his strengths and interests, as well as my aspirations for him in the coming school year. Why not do the same for your child at the beginning of the year? And if there are challenges you want to address in the coming year, brainstorm some action items on how to tackle those too.

The same principle applies to therapy. Do you need to take a break from therapy or add a new type of therapy? If your child is enrolled in ABA, consider evaluating their treatment plan. Remember, you’re an integral part of your child’s team. If you are a client at ABA Connect, consider talking to your child’s BCBA about some of your goals for the coming year. Your child’s BCBA is sure to have some ideas for how to make progress—they’re here to support you on your journey.

If the list of things your child needs help with feels overwhelming, try focusing on one significant challenge to address. It could be the most pressing problem or the one you’re most likely able to solve. The point is to select an area that, when improved, will enhance not just your child’s life but yours too.

5. Embrace Acceptance: Acknowledging Your Child and Your Circumstances

Parenting a child with autism can be an isolating journey and certainly not one most people would consciously choose. The life you envisioned for your child may look starkly different now. As you navigate through this journey, you may grapple with accepting not only your child’s unique attributes but also the additional challenges that autism brings.

Achieving full acceptance of your circumstances may seem daunting, but it is entirely possible to accept your child for the wonderfully unique individual they are. If you’re not yet at this point, consider making this your resolution. 

And by all means, let go of any guilt or apology you may feel compelled to give for things beyond your control, such as your child’s behaviors. Embracing a mindset of surrender and acceptance could indeed be the most liberating approach to usher in the new year.

As parents of children with different needs, it’s not that we lack hopes and dreams for the year ahead. Rather, we are wary of having these aspirations shattered. We’ve learned to be pragmatic and tread carefully when the calendar flips.

So, now that you have some ideas, what will you plan to implement in the coming year?

We’d love to hear from you in the comments below. If you found this post helpful, please feel free to like, share, and follow us for more insightful content on autism and ABA therapy.

If a positive, play-based approach to ABA appeals to you, we invite you to reach out to ABA Connect. The friendly team at ABA Connect is always ready to help answer your questions.

Please keep in mind that while I am a consultant writing on behalf of ABA Connect, my child is not a current client. The views and experiences shared in this blog post are entirely from a parent’s perspective. My goal is to provide informative content and insights based on my personal experiences, as well as interviews conducted with the staff at ABA Connect.

Holiday Planning that Makes Room for Autism

A Parent’s Perspective: No more holiday stress

The holiday season is supposed to be a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for parents and caregivers of children with autism, it can also bring unique challenges as well as full-on stress. I think the pressures of the holiday season make special needs parenting ten times harder than the rest of the year. 

The sensory overload, crowded gatherings, and disruptions to routines can make this time of year incredibly overwhelming for your child and yourself. At ABA Connect, we want every child and their family to enjoy the festivities while considering the specific needs of individuals on the autism spectrum. As a parent, I know this is easier said than done. In this blog, we’ll explore a few proactive tips to help your holiday season go smoothly.

holiday stress autism

Sensory Challenges and Solutions

Preparing for Loud Music and Flashing Lights

The bright lights and blaring music that often accompany holiday events can be overwhelming for children with autism. To help your child navigate these sensory situations, it’s essential to have strategies in place. By now, you probably understand your child’s unique sensitivities well. 

Pack sensory tools such as:

  • Headphones
  • Sunglasses
  • Comfort Items
  • Essential Oils
  • Weighted Blanket or Vest

An occupational therapist may develop a personalized sensory diet for your child, but Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) techniques can also help. 

ABA Connect offers individualized strategies to help children cope and enjoy stimulating environments. By gradually exposing your child to sensory stimuli in a controlled manner, they can build tolerance over time. For example, start playing soft holiday music at home before gradually increasing the volume. Or, let your child be in charge of turning on holiday lights at home. 

Setting Clear Expectations for Large Family Gatherings

Crowded family events during the holidays can be challenging for children with autism who struggle with social interactions or feel uncomfortable around unfamiliar faces. 

Setting expectations is key:

  • Decide on an arrival and departure time
  • Brainstorm topics to talk about or avoid talking about
  • Give your child a list, or pictures, of people who will be at the gathering
  • Create a visual schedule of events
  • Take a break

ABA Connect recognizes the importance of social skill development and aims to make family gatherings a positive experience. Our therapists work closely with families to create plans that address specific social challenges. Through targeted interventions, such as role-playing or visual supports, we help children develop appropriate social behaviors and engage meaningfully with relatives during these special occasions and all year long.

Traveling with Ease

Making Traveling Smoother

Traveling itself can pose unique difficulties for individuals on the autism spectrum due to changes in routine and unfamiliar environments. Similar to how you help your child with sensory overload, you can implement some of the same techniques with travel, such as headphones, snacks, and favorite toys. By using visual schedules, social stories, and other ABA techniques, we can help prepare your child for the journey ahead. These tools assist in reducing anxiety and increasing predictability by providing step-by-step guidance about what to expect during the trip.

As a parent, I allow my child large amounts of screen time on road trips. A tablet, video games, or a movie playing in the car or airplane is an excellent way to pass the time. Having the technology to support children during travel is a gift to your child and the rest of the family members traveling with you!

Holiday Meals and Picky Eating

Tips on Picky Eating During Holiday Meals

Holiday meals can be filled with a wide variety of dishes, but for children with autism who struggle with selective eating or sensory sensitivities, navigating these gatherings can be challenging. At ABA Connect, we address feeding issues head-on and promote a positive relationship with food.

Our team of therapists employs evidence-based techniques to gradually expand your child’s food preferences. By introducing new foods in a non-threatening manner and utilizing reinforcement strategies, we work towards expanding their diet and ensuring they can participate fully in holiday meals.

Foods to avoid or replace with a healthier option:

  • Candy
  • Sweets and sugar
  • Artificial colors or flavors
  • Caffeine
  • Gluten (if your child is gluten-free)
  • Dairy (if your child is lactose intolerant)

Plan around holiday foods you know will affect your child’s behavior or mood as much as possible. Holiday treats can cause inflammation or constipation, something many of our kids struggle with on an ongoing basis. Eat clean, especially if your child has food sensitivities or allergies that prevent them from indulging in holiday treats, and plan to offer alternatives you know they enjoy

Sensory Tips for Classic Holiday Traditions

Enjoying Holiday Traditions with Sensory Tips

Classic holiday activities like decorating the tree, wrapping presents, and opening presents can present sensory challenges for individuals on the autism spectrum. However, with the right strategies, these traditions can become enjoyable experiences for everyone involved.

To make these activities more sensory-friendly, consider breaking them down into smaller steps and providing visual supports such as checklists or social stories. ABA Connect offers tailored approaches that account for individual differences while ensuring each child can engage in these beloved traditions.

Advocating for Your Child During the Holidays

One of the most challenging things for me as a parent around the holiday is promoting understanding of autism to my family and friends. Unless I explain it to them, they don’t know how difficult traditional holiday parties, foods, and stimuli can be for my child and me. It isn’t easy to talk about autism, but choosing to do so can make a difference in your overall experience of the season. Sometimes, tension can arise when a family member offers unsolicited advice. Have you ever noticed people who don’t understand autism are often all too willing to provide advice on how to raise your child? 

Dealing with Unwanted Advice from Family and Friends

Be Honest

First, thank your friend or family member for trying to help. Then, state you aren’t looking for parenting advice. If the person seems receptive, use it as an opportunity to educate them on autism and why your child behaves the way they do. Education is advocacy!

Use Humor

Cracking a joke, no matter how sarcastic can help ease the tension you feel when family members are not accepting of your child’s behaviors. 

Take a Break

Explain to friends and family that your child sometimes needs to take a break or move away from too much activity. Be sure to say it’s nothing anyone did; it’s just the nature of autism to sometimes need to retreat. And hey, if you need a minute, take one for yourself, too!

Let it Go

Sometimes, none of these suggestions work at the moment. If it comes to that, smile and let it go. You can move on with your plans. Or, you may need to go home. 

Develop a Secret Signal 

It’s always good to have an escape plan. You can develop a secret signal with your child or partner if you need to transition from a situation. Your secret signal can be a nod, head scratch, or code words. As soon as you see or hear it, respond immediately. 

Deck the Halls with Understanding

The holiday season should be a time of joy and celebration for all families, including those affected by autism. At ABA Connect, our commitment is to empower children on the spectrum and their caregivers by providing personalized support that makes room for autism during this festive time.

By addressing sensory challenges, facilitating smooth travel experiences, tackling picky eating concerns, and offering sensory tips for classic holiday traditions, we hope you can create memorable moments that are enjoyable for your whole family. With ABA Connect by your side, you can confidently navigate the holiday season, knowing your child’s needs are understood and respected.

Remember, each child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. We encourage you to share your experiences and tips in the comments below. Let’s make this holiday season a truly special time of joy and celebration for children with autism.

If you found this post helpful, please like, share, and follow for more content on autism or ABA therapy.

If you are interested in a positive, play-based approach to ABA, contact ABA Connect.


Please note that while I am a consultant writing on behalf of ABA Connect, my child is not a current client. The views and experiences shared in this blog post are entirely from a parent’s perspective. I aim to provide informative content and insights based on my personal experiences as well as interviews conducted with the staff at ABA Connect.


Things to be Thankful for with Autism {+ a FREE printable}

A Parent’s Perspective: The awesome things about autism I’m most grateful for this Thanksgiving

November is a season of thanksgiving and gratitude. If we’re honest, thankfulness is not typically our first response when parenting a child with autism. It takes intentionality to see the good and the beautiful in the midst of the hard, messy disruptions autism brings into our lives.

It’s all too easy to focus on the meltdowns and frustrations, the communication barriers, the lack of friendships, and the deep grief of a life that is different from what we planned.

Autism is a unique journey that brings both challenges and joy. 

This holiday season, I want to challenge you to look for the many gifts autism brings. Sometimes, we notice these gifts in broad generalities of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but more often, they show up in the specific lives and personalities of our loved ones living with autism. 

In this blog post, I suggest some of the incredible things to be thankful for when it comes to autism. ABA Connect also offers a FREE Printable, 7 Awesome Things About Individuals with Autism.

As parents and caregivers, we can choose to celebrate the goodness right in front of us. So, let’s dive in and discover and rediscover the beauty within the spectrum.

thankful for autism

Being thankful for the awesome parts of autism

Although each individual with autism is unique, some generalities may resonate with you. As you read, note your gratitude for some of these incredible ASD-related traits. 

Thankful for the unique perspectives of children with autism

Children with autism have a remarkable way of seeing the world. They often have a unique perspective that can offer fresh insights and a different way of approaching life. Their attention to detail and ability to focus intensely on specific interests can lead to incredible strengths in mathematics, music, art, or science. Embracing and nurturing these strengths can open up a world of opportunities. 

If your child’s interest is more niche and less applicable to everyday life, try not to be discouraged. Each individual’s particular interests contribute to making them a wonderfully unique and interesting person. That’s something to be thankful for and appreciate! 

Thankful for the unconditional love and authentic connections of children with autism 

One of the most beautiful things about autism is the capacity for unconditional love and authentic connections. Children with autism often display a genuine and pure form of love, devoid of judgment or societal expectations. Their love is unconditional, accepting others for who they truly are. 

In the same way that our children love us unconditionally, by nature of who they are, they teach us to love fully and completely with no conditions in return. They teach us the value of acceptance. This unconditional acceptance is one of the things that I’m most thankful for in my relationship with my son. Living with the reality of unconditional love for my son day in and day out has completely changed my perspective on what it means to be loved and accepted for who you are, not based on what you do. 

Thankful for the beauty of celebrating small victories

In the world of autism, small victories are a BIG deal. No matter how seemingly small, each milestone achieved is a cause for thankfulness and celebration. From learning a new word to mastering a self-help skill, these achievements remind us of our children’s progress and their determination. By recognizing and celebrating these successes, we cultivate a sense of gratitude and motivation to continue supporting their growth.

Each of our children is different. What some will accomplish, others won’t. So, instead of stretching for goals beyond what our kids can do right now. We can acknowledge and celebrate their gains, however incremental, in the moment. Sometimes, it helps when others can reflect these achievements back to us because we live them daily. 

Thankful for the ever-expanding ability for empathy and compassion

Living with autism provides a unique opportunity to expand our empathy and compassion. As we navigate the challenges and triumphs alongside our children, we develop a deep understanding of their experiences and challenges. This heightened empathy not only impacts our relationship with our child with autism but also extends to the way we interact with others. We become more compassionate and understanding towards all individuals, fostering a more inclusive and accepting community. 

Thankful for a supportive community

The autism community is a vibrant and supportive network of individuals who understand and empathize with our journey. We can connect with other parents and caregivers who share similar experiences through support groups, online forums, and local organizations. 

ABA Connect offers community, too. Whether it be through the therapists who provide care to your child or the fellow parents you meet at the clinic, you know that you are not walking this journey alone. 

Having a community that provides a safe space for sharing stories, seeking advice, and finding solace is something to be thankful for to be sure. 

Embracing the Journey

Raising a child with autism requires immense strength and resilience. Our challenges as parents and caregivers can sometimes be overwhelming, but they also allow us to grow. Through the highs and lows of this journey, we learn to adapt, persevere, and discover strengths we never knew we had. That’s something I’m also grateful for!

By embracing the positive aspects of autism and focusing on gratitude, we can navigate this journey with hope, love, and appreciation for the incredible individuals our children are becoming.

If you need a reminder to post on your fridge or bathroom mirror. Please print this handout, 7 Awesome Things About Autism, available for free!

Let’s celebrate the beauty within the spectrum and be thankful for the extraordinary gifts that autism brings into our lives!

Let us know what you are grateful for this year. If you have any questions or comments about ABA therapy, please leave them below. The team at ABA Connect is happy to help answer your questions. 

If you found this post helpful, please like, share, and follow for more content on autism or ABA therapy.

If you are interested in a positive, play-based approach to ABA, contact ABA Connect.

Please note that while I am a consultant writing on behalf of ABA Connect, my child is not a current client. The views and experiences shared in this blog post are entirely from a parent’s perspective. I aim to provide informative content and insights based on my personal experiences as well as interviews conducted with the staff at ABA Connect.



Does My Child Have Autism?

how to get an autism diagnosis

A Parent’s Perspective: How to get an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis

As a parent, you know your child better than anyone else. Yet your proximity to them may limit your ability to have an unbiased opinion of their development. If you suspect your child has autism, it can become a mind game of talking yourself in or out of your suspicions depending on each little behavior they have or milestones they meet or don’t. There comes a point when you will need the help of professionals. 

Where do you start? I know it can be hard. Not only is it emotionally difficult to process the differences you see in your child, but getting an autism diagnosis is not straightforward. It often doesn’t go as smoothly as one might hope. 

This blog post explains the basic process of getting an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis, whether through your medical provider, the school system, or even with the help of ABA Connect. We will discuss the first steps you can take and what to expect during testing. But first, know that whatever the outcome, you’ve got this! Your love for your child will help you overcome any fears you may be facing. 

The medical route of getting an ASD diagnosis

Typically, when a parent is seeking an autism diagnosis, they rightly start by conversing with their pediatrician. Alternatively, your child’s doctor might approach you, suggesting that your child may be showing signs of autism. That’s what happened to me.

My son has a rare genetic syndrome that manifests in various ways. One of those ways is similar to that of ASD. For years, I was in denial about his autistic tendencies because his medical complications overshadowed his developmental delays and repetitive behaviors. In spite of my denial, my son’s pediatrician gently encouraged me to consider testing him for autism. I’m so glad we did. The services we’ve received as a result, especially ABA, have been life-changing. Without a doubt, if we had not agreed to get help, there would have been so many developmental hurdles, inappropriate behaviors, and unmet expectations that we would still be struggling through.  

If you decide to reach out to your child’s pediatrician with concerns, they will often refer your child to a developmental pediatrician, neurologist, or neuropsychologist for a formal diagnosis. These specialists administer the diagnostic testing required to determine whether or not your child has autism. 

Unfortunately, these specialists are in high demand. And it often takes waiting, sometimes more than six months, to get an appointment. If your child is struggling in school or needs early intervention, time is of the essence. 

The educational process of getting an ASD diagnosis

Another way to get an autism diagnosis is through your local school district. This diagnosis, however, is only for the purposes of your child’s education. For many kids, it is all they need to help with very specific goals at school. Be aware that a school providing an autism diagnosis only informs the Individual Education Plan (IEP), which outlines the accommodations and support services your child receives at school. It does not qualify as a verifiable diagnosis if you were to seek therapy services through an insurance carrier. 

Securing an autism diagnosis with the help of ABA Connect

Some ABA providers like ABA Connect can help expedite testing your child so they can start services more quickly. You still will need to provide a doctor’s order and the doctor will ultimately diagnose, or not diagnose, your child. 

If you suspect your child may have autism but are struggling to get a diagnosis, ABA Connect can help!

ABA Connect provides autism testing for prospective clients. The primary test they administer is the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2), which aids in diagnosing and assessing the severity of symptoms in children aged six years and younger. They have three experienced ADOS administrators on staff in Austin, Houston, and Dallas, all licensed to conduct the necessary testing for determining if a child meets the requirements of an ASD diagnosis. It’s important to note you still need a doctor’s involvement to go this route. 

ABA Connect administers testing if you meet the following criteria: 

  1. Your child’s pediatrician agrees to write an order for autism testing. 

  2. You intend to start ABA services upon receiving a diagnosis.

What is the ADOS-2?

The ADOS-2 is a commonly used diagnostic tool to diagnose autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It comprises five modules designed for individuals of varying ages and communication levels. The appropriate module is selected based on the child’s age and communication abilities and may require parental involvement. The ADOS-2 includes structured and semi-structured activities that assess communication, social interaction, and restricted and repetitive behaviors. 

What should I expect during the ADS testing process? 

Your child will participate in various fun activities during the assessment, which takes approximately an hour. Depending on the child’s age and communication level, you may be asked to join as a parent. 

In addition to the standard ADOS-2, ABA Connect incorporates additional components into its testing process. They request that families complete the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) assessment and conduct the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS-2) examination. This supplementary testing provides ABA Connect and the families they serve with deeper insights into the child. Further testing helps ABA Connect therapists deliver the best treatment plan for each child’s needs. 

After the evaluation, the clinician will answer questions and discuss the next steps with you. Then, the scored results and observations are sent to your doctor for review. Based on the results, your doctor will determine whether your child has met the criteria for autism spectrum disorder. Then, the doctor will write a referral to start ABA therapy as treatment for your child’s new diagnosis. If it’s determined your child doesn’t have autism, your pediatrician may offer other valuable resources to support you in the challenges you’re facing. 

At ABA Connect, the therapists understand the significance of accurate diagnosis and timely intervention. If you are running up against roadblocks through the healthcare or education system in getting a timely diagnosis and want to start our ABA services quickly, this is an excellent option for you and your child. ABA Connect’s comprehensive testing process ensures clients receive a valid assessment and treatment plan baked by a thorough diagnostic process. 

For more information about an ADOS-2 assessment, contact ABA Connect at 833-225-9393. 

In your journey as a parent, it’s crucial to remember that seeking help for your child’s potential autism diagnosis is a significant step forward. While the path may have its challenges, you’re not alone. ABA Connect is here to provide guidance and support, offering a quicker route to the testing and ultimately delivering the services your child needs. 

ABA Connect’s commitment lies in empowering children with autism through compassionate, play-based ABA therapy, guiding kids toward building essential life skills. Working together with parents and caregivers, they aim to significantly impact each child’s life, regardless of the diagnosis outcome.

Contact us today to schedule your child’s ADOS-2 assessment and take the first step toward getting the support you need.

If you have any questions or comments about ABA therapy, please leave them below. The team at ABA Connect is happy to help answer your questions. 

If you found this post helpful, please like, share, and follow for more content on autism or ABA therapy.

If you are interested in a positive, play-based approach to ABA, contact ABA Connect.

Please note that while I am a consultant writing on behalf of ABA Connect, my child is not a current client. The views and experiences shared in this blog post are entirely from a parent’s perspective. I aim to provide informative content and insights based on my personal experiences as well as interviews conducted with the staff at ABA Connect.

Nurturing Special Needs Sibling Bonds: Keys for a Strong and Supportive Relationship

A Parent’s Perspective: Sibling Relationships

If you are a parent or caregiver of a child with autism, you understand the unique challenges and joys of raising a child with different abilities. One of the most worrisome aspects of parenting a child with autism may be how it affects their typically developing sibling(s). Nurturing this relationship is essential for fostering a strong and supportive family dynamic, but the path isn’t always straightforward. 

ABA can help! 

I have two boys almost four years apart. My neurotypical son is the oldest. My youngest has autism. As a parent, I want them to love each other and get along constantly. This is not our reality. (Nor is it for most families who don’t have the added component of autism.) But at moments, I glimpse their deep and abiding connection despite their differences. 

My sons’ relationships with one another have gone through many highs and lows over the years. I’ve noticed things that bring them closer and things that push them apart. ABA has been a valuable tool in promoting understanding between them. 

The importance of nurturing a strong and supportive relationship

Fostering a strong sibling bond while they’re young can become a connection that will last a lifetime. It takes a little bit of curiosity and intentionality as a parent. This blog post will explore tips and strategies for nurturing special needs sibling bonds, such as facilitating opportunities for connection at different levels of development, encouraging communication and empathy, and supporting the non-special needs sibling. ABA can reinforce each of these opportunities.

Finding common interests and activities

Finding opportunities for your kids to connect will evolve as they change and grow. The developmental gap may not be evident in their younger years, allowing for simple joys like reading stories together or playing pretend. As they transition out of the baby and toddler stages, creating opportunities for shared play may pose more challenges. Consulting your child’s BCBA is a valuable step. 

At ABA Connect, therapists incorporate sibling goals into home-based therapy programs. For instance, if a child with autism initially shows little interest in play, a goal of tolerating play for just 30 seconds can be a starting point. Over time, you can work towards goals like sharing toys without challenging behaviors, taking turns, and completing a game. Encouraging parallel play is always a good option if finding common ground seems difficult.

Also, seeking shared interests and activities can foster deeper connections between siblings and sometimes even grow along with them. Consider each child’s strengths and interests when trying new activities. And, of course, ensure inclusivity for the child with autism, which may involve adjustments or accommodations to guarantee that everyone feels valued and included. Your child’s BCBA may have some helpful strategies to make the things you do together go more smoothly.

Communication strategies for special needs siblings

Fostering open family communication plays a pivotal role in nurturing sibling bonds. Create a secure and welcoming space where your children can freely ask questions about their sibling with autism, express their emotions, and share their unique experiences. An open environment is instrumental in enhancing their comprehension of their sibling’s condition and their challenges.

Acknowledging that your neurotypical child may grapple with jealousy, embarrassment, or confusion is important. While these emotions might be challenging to address, they are entirely normal and represent a crucial part of your child’s emotional development. As a parent, you can embrace this opportunity in a couple of ways.

First, offer empathy. Recognize the difficulty your child faces in expressing their concerns, assuring them that what they feel is perfectly normal and it’s alright not to be “okay” all the time. When appropriate, sharing some of your struggles in parenting a child with autism can be a valuable example of empathy and patience. Siblings often learn through observation, and your actions can set a positive tone for their interactions.

Second, educate your child about autism. Your child may seek age-appropriate information to understand their sibling’s condition better. If they express interest, take the opportunity to teach them about autism, explaining the importance of acceptance and inclusion. 

Listening attentively to your children’s perspectives and validating their emotions is paramount. It fosters a sense of being heard and understood, which forms the bedrock for constructing a solid and supportive sibling bond.

Helping your child with autism develop understanding

It’s not only essential to cultivate empathy within your neurotypical child but also to collaborate with your ABA provider in instilling these skills in your child with autism. For instance, a BCBA developed a program at ABA Connect where the client used an Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) device to answer questions about their sibling. This approach promoted a deeper understanding of their neurotypical sibling as a significant and valued part of their life.

My younger son, who also uses an AAC device, has several buttons he likes to use to get his brother’s attention. His favorite is, “I want to watch Star Wars with my brother.” He will push it and then smile. I wonder how much of it is an attempt to escape the task at hand as much as it is because he loves to spend time with his brother. It’s probably both! Regardless, they do share a mutual love for Star Wars.

Seeking ABA help and support 

Every family has a different philosophy about how to live with autism. The therapists at ABA Connect take each family’s lead on how they want to talk about and relate to one another’s differences. Some families like to involve siblings in therapy sessions, especially if the sibling wants to be the helper. Involving a sibling in ABA can allow them to actively participate in their sibling’s progress and better understand their unique needs.

One of the families who did home-based ABA therapy at ABA Connect worked with a sibling with an innate ability to help the client generalize skills. The oldest child in the family, the client, had high support needs. His younger brother worked with him to better tolerate different situations through a specialized ABA program, and their interactions improved over time. So much so that when the next sibling came along, he showed him how to play with toys and modeled everything he learned in ABA. 

My oldest son used to participate in therapy similarly. He is now a teenager. His involvement in ABA therapy looks much different than when he was younger. Over the years, he built a relationship with our BCBA. Now, as he encounters other behavioral challenges and communication frustrations with his brother, he can discuss strategies with her on how to extinguish negative behaviors and promote positive ones. What’s extra special about this for me is that he has someone else who deeply understands.

ABA can provide valuable guidance and support for parents and caregivers and help siblings develop the skills and strategies they need to interact with their family members with autism and eventually build a solid and supportive relationship.

Additional resources for special needs siblings and their families

Many websites, books, support groups, and camps are available for families of children with special needs and their siblings. These resources can provide valuable support and guidance; here are just a few:

By taking advantage of these and other resources, you can help support your family and nurture a strong and supportive sibling bond.

Building a strong and supportive sibling bond

Building a solid sibling bond takes effort and intentionality, but the rewards are worth it. By working together as a family and supporting each other’s strengths and challenges, you can create a loving and supportive home that celebrates each child’s unique qualities.

Remember to celebrate family wins together! Big or small, acknowledging everyone’s victories is essential. 

If you have any questions or comments about ABA therapy, please leave them below. The team at ABA Connect is happy to help answer your questions. 

If you found this post helpful, please like, share, and follow for more content on autism or ABA therapy.

If you are interested in a positive, play-based approach to ABA, contact ABA Connect.

Please note that while I am a consultant writing on behalf of ABA Connect, my child is not a current client. The views and experiences shared in this blog post are entirely from a parent’s perspective. I aim is to provide informative content and insights based on my personal experiences as well as interviews conducted with the staff at ABA Connect.